Monday, May 15, 2017

2017 Much Needed Update

            I have taken on a tremendous load of work. As many of you know my first novel, The Mandate, has been accepted for publication, as well as, two more works. One needs to be edited and the other rewritten. I also have a fourth novel that is in the works. All of this work will take up the majority of my summer. As I get reconnected with my publisher, Pen-L Publishing, I will be keeping people updated as we prepare for the release of my new novel late this year or beginning next year. That is writing stuffs.

            J3 is doing amazingly well. He goes in for an echo tomorrow to make sure all the work from the last surgery is functioning like it should. The echo is in preparation for his cardiology appointment next Wednesday. Looks like he has a couple of stitches that might need to be removed surgically and we might need to have a plug placed in his heart where they left a pressure release valve open just in case. Both of these things is a day visit to the hospital. Thank you for the prayers and support many of you have given.

            As for my education. I did have to drop a class, which still bothers me but I felt it was better in the long run. I ended the semester with two ‘A’s and a ‘B’. I wish I had done better but it is what it is. I am studying to take the GRE at the end of the semester. I am studying to catch up in French for next year and I should only have one year left of my undergraduate degree. The degree itself is an English major with an emphasis in creative writing and a minor in medieval/renaissance studies. It is a mouthful but it will help propel me into my future endeavors as a graduate and seminary student.

            How am I going to pull this off this summer? With a lot of help from the parental units who will be watching the older boys this summer. J3 is working on developmental issues through a preschool program which gives me a chance to focus on my writing like I focused on my education during the school year. None of this has been easy. The path I desire to follow will not be easy, but I have an amazing support team. I have spent nearly ten years dreaming of this and to watch it unfold has been amazing. I look forward continuing this journey will all of you.

E. Schierschmidt

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